Practical advises – travel in exotic countries

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  • mineral_waterDrink only bottled mineral water - otherwise you risk spending your holiday in the bathroom.





  • freshDrink you freshly squeezed fruit juice – without ice. At many places the ice is not made from mineral water.





  • dress1Explore religion, local habits and culture, attitude toward women. In some countries you may need to adjust your wardrobe with this for your comfort and security




  • podpravkiCheck the local production. In the production of what a country is a strong and how are the prices of these goods compared to your country. There are sites that compare the prices of a commodity in two countries of choice. You have a unique chance to buy something that’s not on the local market, or it is on a much better price and quality than in your county. Keep in mind that agencies are often taking tourists to not so random places to do their shopping where prices are “corrected” for tourists.


  • foodThere are reasons why in some countries people eat more meat, in other fish or fruits. When you are abroad – many hotels would offer on the buffet a variety of choice on local or European food. I remember being in a country with hot and humid climate, but Europeans by habit would have bigger percent of meat in their portion, and after lunch they feel generally worse and with lower tonus. Later I realized that – meat takes really small part of the consumption of the local population – and this is not by accident, just heavy dishes as meat are not appropriate for hot and humid climate. If tourists observe and think about staff like this, while choosing on a buffet – can make their physical condition and tone better during the trip.
  • marketExplore the traditions of the country on bargaining. Do not miss to bargain when you are in a country with such traditions. Besides the best price, you get a chance to interact with the locals.





  • watch_the_localsWatch what the locals eat and try their traditional local food (first check if the food is not contradicted for tourists).
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